Event Information

Recordings of China’s Belt and Road Initiative Webinars

Date & Time
31 March 2020 - 23 Sep 2020
All Day


This event provides access to all the recordings of the three webinars conducted in 2020. Go to the YouTube Playlist  to watch them.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative

The National Association of District Export Councils (NADEC) is pleased to invite you to hear from experts on the China Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a massive global development strategy involving infrastructure development and investments now in some 152 countries. Participants include international organizations and countries throughout Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Pacific islands, and the Americas (Central and South).  In addition to an update on BRI’s progress across the world, the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on trade and investment will be discussed.

Webinar #1: Update on Business, National Security and Geopolitical Impact, March 31, 2020

This program is the first in a series of 3 presented by the NADEC and is intended to provide the participant with a comprehensive overview of the BRI’s true magnitude and its potential control of global commerce.


David Day, our featured speaker, is the NADEC’s Trade Policy Co-Chair and the Chairman of the Belt & Road Task force of the American Bar Association’s International Section.


Christina Luhn, PhD, Missouri DEC Trade Policy Liaison Officer

Webinar #2: Digital Silk Road–Business, National Security and Geopolitical Impact, June 30, 2020

In May of 2017, Xi Jinping made the stunning announcement that big data would be integrated into China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to create China’s own version of a “Digital Silk Road.”

Since that time, China has moved quickly to incorporate the digital side along with its hard infrastructure development as an integral part of its Belt & Road Initiative by:

  • providing physical digital infrastructure (e.g., 5G cellular networks);
  • investing in the development of advanced technologies with important economic and strategic uses (e.g., artificial intelligence and quantum computing);
  • creating digital free trade zones to facilitate international e-commerce.

What are the implications of this for U.S. service and tech companies? Is your firm or its data potentially at risk? Does this impact the national security of the Host country?


David Day, our featured speaker, is the NADEC’s Trade Policy Co-Chair and the Chairman of the Belt & Road Task force of the American Bar Association’s International Section.


Christina Luhn, PhD, Missouri DEC Trade Policy Liaison Officer

Webinar #3: Business, National Security and Geopolitical Impact of the Pandemic, September 23, 2020

For our 3rd webinar in the China BRI series, we move on to a conversation about and prognosis for the impact of Covid-19 on that initiative and beyond.

  • How exactly does the U.S. compete with China’s BRI?
  • What does the future trade relationship between China and the U.S. look like?
  • What do U.S. firms do for supply chain reorganization, onshoring, diversification and new markets?
  • How does the USMCA fit into this picture?
  • What about other options and markets? 


David Day is the NADEC’s Trade Policy Co-Chair and the Chairman of the Belt & Road Task force of the American Bar Association’s International Section.

Rudy Ortiz, CGBP, NADEC Trade Policy Co-Chair


Christina Luhn, PhD, Missouri DEC Trade Policy Liaison Officer

All three webinars are available here on the YouTube playlist

The National Association of District Export Councils (NADEC) works to support the regional District Export Councils throughout the United States.






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