Event Information

Export Reset 2021

Date & Time
2 September 2021 -
9:00 am - 1:00 pm


We see a slow return to normal following a challenging 2020 because of COVID, but what is “normal” today? Panelists will share with you their export experiences and some of the lessons learned during this past year and a half that may help you to be better prepared and overcome a similar crisis in the future.

Four panel sessions, one every hour. No Cost – Attend any panel separately!

Register here:  https://mailchi.mp/d1cb6660bd4e/dec

8:00 AM (CDT)–Lessons Learned from 2020 

What was the basis of success for companies doing well during the Covid-19 pandemic? During this session panelists will discuss trends in the global supply chain before and during the pandemic and which innovative measures may remain after the pandemic. 

Moderator Facilitator: Rene van de Zande, Partner and Commercial Director, MedEnvoy Global


 9:00 AM (CDT)–Workforce Development Needs for Global Expansion

Business & Industry leaders throughout the nation are calling it a “workforce crisis.” In numerous surveys, U.S. companies are citing the inability to attract and retain workers as their most pressing concern. We will take a look at some of the most recent data and bring to light solutions that can be applied to meet your entry level and skilled labor needs.

Moderator Facilitator: Alma Acevedo, President, Global Tooling Specialties, Inc.


·       Sylvia O. Praesel, Founder and Strategist, Coalition for Apprenticeship Partners in Economic Development.

·       Rebecca Winkel, Senior Economic Analyst, American Petroleum Institute.

·       Kellylynn McLaughlin, Over the Road Driver and Trainer, Schneider National and Driver Ambassador, Women In Trucking Association

10:00AM (CDT)International E-commerce for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

During this session hear from panelists who are ecommerce business providers about adapting tips for your website for international sales and on the general aspects of International Ecommerce.

Moderator Facilitator: Jorge Canavati, President, J. Canavati & Co., LLC.


11:00 AM (CDT)–How Finding and Negotiating with your Channel Partners (Distributors) Changed 

How did last year upset your worldwide distribution network?  On this panel, hear from local companies sharing their experiences and recommendations on changes and adjustments they made last year along with how they originally set up their global networks.  A local attorney will provide insights on provisions that should be addressed with distributors and learn about how U.S. Commercial Service, a government agency, can also play a role in finding foreign representation for U.S. companies.

Moderator Facilitator:  Karen Parker, International Trade Specialist, U.S. Commercial Service, Austin


The National Association of District Export Councils (NADEC) works to support the regional District Export Councils throughout the United States.






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